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Arrive 2050

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) guides the development of the Bismarck-Mandan area’s multimodal transportation system over the next 20+ years. The MTP is updated by the Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) once every five years. Regular updates allow for goals and needs to be reassessed in a timely manner.

transportation types as icons

The MTP is an opportunity for the area to consider how the multimodal transportation system could look and function in the future.

project overview map
Click map to enlarge


The project team relies on previous studies done for the area to determine the future needs and plans for the metro. Review some of the key studies used for Arrive 2050.

US Highway 83 Alternative Study Cover

US Highway 83 Alternative Study

Completed in July 2019, the study identified viable highway alternatives along US Highway 83 north of Bismarck to best serve existing and future stakeholders within the region while also analyzing potential new routes for regional traffic.

Bismarck-Mandan Regional Freight Study cover

Bismarck-Mandan Regional Freight Study

Completed in December 2018, the purpose of the Bismarck-Mandan Regional Freight Study was to find the most used freight routes, detail the first and last mile of freight movement as well as freight movement through the region, and determine the need for investing in the local infrastructure to facilitate efficient and effective freight movement.

Mandan Downtown Subarea Study cover

Mandan Downtown Subarea Study

Completed in January 2018, the Mandan Downtown Subarea Study looked at future growth and needs for the Mandan downtown area.

Bismarck-Mandan Bicycle + Pedestrian Plan cover

Bismarck-Mandan Bicycle + Pedestrian Plan

Completed in December 2017, this bicycle and pedestrian plan was created to support and grow engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation efforts to advance bicycling and walking as safe, comfortable, and reliable modes of transportation in Bismarck-Mandan.

Bismarck-Mandan School Safety Crossing Study cover

Bismarck-Mandan School Safety Crossing Study

Completed in November 2017, both Mandan and Bismarck school districts partnered with the MPO and others to access the pedestrian and bike improvements needed to keep students safe while traveling to school.

Northeast Morton County Future Land Use Plan cover

Northeast Morton County Future Land Use Plan

Completed in November 2016, the purpose of the future land use plan was to serve as the basis for the county’s zoning decisions. The land use plan provides a blueprint for implementing growth and land use goals and objectives to current citizens, property owners, prospective citizens, developers, and buyers.

Mandan-Bismarck Corridor Improvement Study Cover

Mandan-Bismarck Corridor Improvement Study

Completed in August 2016, the Mandan-Bismarck Corridor Improvement Study looked at 20 corridors to improve traffic operations and reduce crashes along them.

Burleigh County Land Use Plan Cover

Burleigh County Land Use Plan

Completed in April 2016, the Burleigh County Land Use Plan focused on the physical form of the planning area through 2040.

East Main Avenue Corridor Study Cover

East Main Avenue Corridor Study

Completed in May 2023, this study documented existing conditions along East Main Avenue and identified strategies to ensure safety, mobility, and access for all future users in the area.

Sunset Drive Corridor Study Cover

Sunset Drive Corridor Study

Completed in April 2023, this study addressed the expanding needs of Sunset Drive due to population growth and the aging infrastructure by planning alternatives to guide future development and redevelopment of the corridor to better serve the needs of all users.

View all MP Studies and Projects.

Metro Growth

Forecasted employment and household growth for the Bismarck-Mandan Area is shown. The way a metro area grows greatly impacts the transportation demands of the area.

Household Growth

Shown is the estimated household growth for the next 25 years for the metro area.

household growth map
Click map to enlarge

Employment Growth

Shown is the estimated employment growth for the next 25 years for the metro area.

emplyment growth map
Click map to enlarge

How the Plan was Developed

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Public involvement
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Review of recent MPO plans and other local plans
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Development of goals, objectives, and performance measures
magnifying glass and gears icon
Review of current conditions
  • Existing system needs
  • Future system needs
  • Financial assessment
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Develop recommendations
  • Future system needs
  • Alternatives development and assessment
  • Public and stakeholder input on alternatives and draft project list

Public Involvement Process

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Open House & Online Meeting #1

Open House #1 included two events, with one held in Bismarck and one in Mandan, on November 9th, 2023.

These events sought to inform the public of the plan development process for Arrive 2050 and solicit feedback on plan priorities and existing issues and needs facing the Bismarck-Mandan region’s multimodal transportation system.

Key themes Arrive 2050 should prioritize:

  • Safety
  • Active Transportation
  • Efficiency and Reliability
open house 1
meeting icon

Open House & Online Meeting #2

Open House #2 included one in-person event held at the Missouri Valley Family YMCA in Bismarck on April 29, 2024.

An online meeting was also available for 30 days following the meeting. Attendees were invited to visit several stations to review the plan’s progress and provide input on plan goals and strategies.

open house 2
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Open House #3

Open House #3 was held in conjunction with Mandan’s annual Art in the Park event on July 3, 2024.

At this event, booth visitors were invited to prioritize investments and review draft recommendations. The project team also provided transportation-themed coloring sheets and crayons to families with children.

open house 3
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Online Meeting #3

You’re here!

online meeting

Draft Plan Review: Alternatives

Alternatives Map

Based on the public and stakeholder input and technical analysis of safety and mobility needs, a range of potential transportation project alternatives were developed. This list includes more projects than could fit within the MPO’s anticipated budget but were further considered in the plan.

alternatives map
Click map to enlarge

Alternatives Details

The numbers on the map above correspond to the table below.

ID Corridor Location From To Description 2024 Cost
1 71st Avenue Centennial Road 66th Street Reconstruct as a 3-lane rural section. $18,744,000
2 66th Street 43rd Avenue 71st Avenue Reconstruct/New Construct as a 3-lane urban section. $27,690,000
3 66th Street Century Avenue 43rd Avenue Construct as 3-lane urban section (tied with project for interchange with I-94 at 66th Street). $6,816,000
4 66th Street I-94 Century Avenue Construct as 3-lane urban section (tied with project for interchange with I-94 at 66th Street). $6,390,000
5 66th Street 17th Avenue I-94 Construct as 3-lane urban section (tied with project for interchange with I-94 at 66th Street). $14,910,000
6 66th Street Old Highway 10 / E Main Avenue 17th Avenue Construct as 3-lane urban section (tied with project for interchange with I-94 at 66th Street). $14,200,000
7 66th Street Apple Creek Old Highway 10/ E Main Avenue Widen from 2-lane to 3-section. $14,948,000
8 I-94 66th Street New interchange. $40,000,000
9 Apple Creek Road Yegen Road 66th Street SE Widen to 3-lanes and intersection capacity improvements at Yegen Road. $29,452,000
11 Lincoln Road Yegen Road / Airway Avenue Intersection capacity improvement. $5,925,000
12 Burleigh Avenue High Plains Road University Drive Widen to 3-lane urban section, consider roundabout at 12th St intersection. $15,612,000
13 48th Avenue S University Drive 66th Street Construct 2-lane rural section and structure improvements at Apple Creek crossing. $7,560,000
14 66th Street Lincoln Road Northgate Drive Widen from 2-lane to 3-section. $20,276,000
15 66th Street 48th Avenue S Lincoln Road Reconstruct as 2-lane urban section. $2,440,000
16 Century Avenue 52nd Street 66th Street Construct 3-lane urban section. $16,046,000
17 52nd Street NE 43rd Avenue NE E Century Avenue Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section / build new 3-lane section. $15,836,000
18 52nd Street NE E Century Avenue 17th Avenue NE I-94 overpass and street improvements from Century Ave to Divide Ave. $25,836,000
19 52nd Street Apple Creek Road 17th Avenue Widen to 3-lane urban section, consider roundabout at Highway 10 / Main Street intersection. $31,448,000
20 52nd Street Main Avenue 17th Avenue Widen to 3-lane urban section. $14,224,000
21 Hamilton Street / Channel Drive Divide Avenue Century Avenue Construct as 2-lane urban section with grade separation. $28,770,000
22 Centennial Road Jericho Road 43rd Avenue Widen from 3-lane to 5-lane urban section. $16,776,000
23 Bismarck Expressway / Centennial Road Divide Avenue Century Avenue Widen from 5-lane to 6-lane section. $28,600,000
24a Divide Avenue Bismarck Expressway 52nd Street Construct as 3-lane urban section. $14,800,000
24b Divide Avenue 52nd Street 66th Street Reconstruct 3-lane urban section. $14,200,000
25a Main Avenue Bismarck Expressway 52nd Street Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section (including intersection improvement at 52nd Street). $15,400,000
25b Main Avenue 52nd Street 66th Street Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section. $15,400,000
26 Main Avenue Hay Creek Crossing Structural replacement. $685,000
27 East Main Avenue Airport Road 26th Street Reconstruct as a 5-lane urban section. $11,271,000
28 East Main Avenue 12th Street Airport Road Reconstruct as a 5-lane urban section. $11,713,000
29 East Main Avenue 7th Street 12th Street Reconstruct as a 3-lane urban section. $5,112,000
30 Bismarck Expressway 12th Street Yegen Road Implement 3/4 access control at 5 intersections and add right turn at Airport Road. $1,185,000
31 Washington Street Drainage Channel Denver Avenue Turn lane improvements including restripe south of Reno Avenue as 3-lane section. $924,300
32 26th Street 43rd Avenue 71st Avenue Construct as 3-lane urban section. $17,688,000
33 N 19th Street 57th Avenue NE 71st Avenue Reconstruct 3-lane urban section. $14,200,000
34 N 19th Street Skyline Boulevard 57th Avenue NE Reconstruct 3-lane urban section. $12,496,000
35 57th Avenue State Street 26th Street Construct 3-lane urban section. $14,058,000
36 43rd Avenue N 26th Street Roosevelt Drive Reconstruct as 3-lane urban. $35,358,000
37 Calgary Avenue DMVW Railroad Haycreek Road Construct 2-lane urban section across DMVW RR with grade separation. $50,690,000
40 71st Street State Street Intersection capacity and safety improvements. $5,214,000
41 57th Avenue 52nd Street NE 66th Street Pave 2-lane rural section. $6,534,000
42 57th Avenue Centennial Road 52nd Street NE Widen from 2-lane rural to 3-lane urban section, access control. $15,400,000
43 57th Avenue 26th Street Centennial Road Paving. $15,400,000
44 71st Avenue State Street Centennial Road Widen to 3-lane section, consider roundabout at 26th Street intersection. $30,806,000
45 Centennial Road 57th Avenue 71st Avenue Widen to 3-lane section. $10,092,000
46 Centennial Road 43rd Avenue 57th Avenue Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane rural section. $15,400,000
47 43rd Avenue 52nd Street 66th Street Widen to 3-lane urban section, consider a roundabout at 52nd Street. $24,646,000
49 State Street 43rd Avenue 57th Avenue Widen to 6-lanes from N of 43rd through 57th; intersection improvement at 57th. $21,450,000
50 State Street Calgary Avenue Skyline Boulevard At grade improvements: Calgary Avenue and 43rd Avenue; widen to 6-lane urban section from Calgary Avenue through Skyline Boulevard intersection. $35,988,450
51 Burnt Creek Loop North / River Road ND 1804 Intersection capacity improvement. $5,925,000
52 State Street I-94 Interchange reconstruction. $49,770,000
53 N 19th Street Capitol Avenue Intersection capacity improvement. $1,777,500
54 Tyler Parkway Schafer Road Burnt Boat Drive Intersection capacity improvement. Add turn lanes and include safety improvements. $1,777,500
55 Apple Creek Road Yegen Road Intersection capacity improvement. $11,850,000
56 Ash Coulee Drive Tyler Parkway Roundabout. $3,000,000
57 71st Avenue/ ND 1804 15th Street/Tyler Parkway State Street Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section. $31,262,000
58 Tyler Parkway 57th Avenue ND 1804 / 71st Avenue Construct as 3-lane urban section. $14,200,000
59 57th Avenue Washington Street State Street Widen to 3-lane urban section, improve Washington Street intersection. $14,652,000
61 57th Avenue Tyler Parkway Crested Butte Road Construct as 3-lane urban section. $14,342,000
62 57th Avenue River Road Tyler Parkway Construct as 3-lane urban section. $20,874,000
63 66th Street SE ND 1804 Woodrow Drive Pave and improve to 2-lane rural section. $15,576,000
64 76th Avenue SE ND 1804 66th Street SE Extend 76th Avenue SE, pave and construct 2-lane rural section. $13,662,000
65 Northern Bridge 38th Street (Mandan) River Road Construct as 4-lane rural roadway from River Road (Bismarck) to 38th Street (Mandan), including construction of Missouri River Bridge. $85,556,500
66 37th Street NW 56th Avenue ND 1806 Construct 3-lane urban section. $49,700,000
67 37th Street NW ND 25 56th Avenue Construct 2-lane urban section. $24,924,000
68 ND 1806 Old Red Trail 37th Street Intersection capacity improvement, add turn lanes at key intersections. (Assume minor intersection improve-ments to match new 37th St section). $6,425,070
69 38th Street NW Old Red Trail Collins Avenue / ND 1806 Construct as 3-lane urban section. $21,300,000
70a 8th Avenue NW 27th Street NW 37th Street NW Construct 3-lane urban section. $7,100,000
70b 8th Avenue NW 37th Street NW 38th Street Construct 3-lane urban section. $7,100,000
71a Sunset Drive Middle School 37th Street NW Construct as 3-lane urban section. $5,325,000
71b Sunset Drive 37th Street NW 38th Street Construct as 3-lane urban section. $5,325,000
72a 37th Street NW Sunset Drive ND 1806 Construct urban 3-lane for arterial connection. $9,585,000
72b 37th Street NW Old Red Trail Sunset Drive Construct urban 3-lane for arterial connection. $9,585,000
73 Division Street NE Chippewa Avenue NE Mandan Avenue Construct as 2-lane urban section. $6,324,000
74 Sunset Drive Old Red Trail 31st Street NW Reconstruct as 3-lane urban section. $6,532,000
75 Sunset Drive Corridor 27th Street N Boundary Street Intersection improvements along Sunset at 27th, Old Red Trail, and Boundary. $5,925,000
77 Old Red Trail 8th Avenue NW ND1806 / Collins Avenue Restripe for 3-lane urban section. $93,615
78 Mandan Avenue I-94 Interchange reconstruction. $59,250,000
80 Division Street Sunset Drive ND 1806 / Collins Avenue Reconstruct as 3-lane urban section. $6,816,000
81 Sunset Drive Division Street Boundary Street Reconstruct as 3-lane urban section. $7,526,000
82 3rd Avenue NE 5th Street NE Division Street NW Narrow pavement. $5,925,000
83 I-94 I-194 Main Street / Exit 155 Recommendation pending Grant Marsh Bridge Feasibility Study. $0
84 Highway 1806 19th Street SW Heart River Bridge Pavement preservation project, including addition of turn lanes and signals at 8th Avenue and 19th Street. $4,147,500
85 19th Street SE ND 6 ND1806 Reconstruct as 3-lane urban section. $25,560,000
86 McKenzie Drive 46th Avenue SE Intersection capacity improvement. $5,925,000
87 McKenzie Drive ND 1806 40th Ave S Construct as 2-lane rural section. $25,000,000
88 McKenzie Drive ND 6 ND 1806 Construct as 2-lane rural section. $16,632,000
89 56th Avenue Old Red Trail 37th Street Reconstruct as 3-lane urban section. $14,200,000
90 Old Red Trail 47th Avenue NW 57th Avenue NW Old Red Trail realignment to accommodate future interchange. $4,884,000
91 56th Avenue NW I-94 Business Loop (Main Street) Old Red Trail Construct as 3-lane urban section. $34,222,000
92 Boundary Road 56th Avenue / I-94 Interchange 32nd Avenue NW Construct as 3-lane urban section. $22,436,000
93 32nd Avenue W I-94 Business Loop (Main Street) Boundary Road (Future) Construct as 2-lane urban section. $26,536,000
94 Boundary Road 32nd Avenue Sunset Drive Construct as 3-lane urban section. $23,430,000
95 31st Street NW Lohstreter Road Boundary Road (Future) Construct as 2-lane urban section. $12,276,000
96 Division Street Sunset Drive Lohstreter Road Construct urban 3-lane to extend Division Street. $13,490,000
97 3rd Street SW 6th Avenue / ND1806 Memorial Highway Restripe / overlay to include turn lanes or restripe to 3-lane section with center turn lane and no parking. $500,000
99 56th Avenue NW I-94 New interchange. $34,250,000
100 32nd Avenue I-94 Grade separation- overpass / underpass. $20,550,000
101 3rd Street SW 6th Avenue SE Highway 6 Restripe / overlay to include turn lanes or restripe to 3-lane section with center turn lane and no parking. $500,000
102 Main Ave 26th St Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $3,000,000
103 43rd Ave N 52nd St Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $3,000,000
104 Burleigh Ave 12th St Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $3,000,000
105 27th St Sunset Dr Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $2,250,000
106 71st Avenue NE Centennial Road Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $5,000,000

Draft Plan Review: Strategies

Some of the alternatives were combined into larger categories of strategies that could address major regional travel needs, and some multimodal strategies like bicycle and pedestrian improvements and transit investments were further considered.

Northern Bridge Crossing

Create a new Missouri River Bridge and continuous corridor between north Mandan and north Bismarck, approximately at 38th Street (Mandan) and 57th Avenue N (Bismarck).

Northern Bridge Crossing
Click image to enlarge

McKenzie Drive Extension

Build a new connection in south Mandan by extending McKenzie Drive between 40th Avenue SE and Highway 6, including a new Heart River Bridge.

McKenzie Drive Extension
Click image to enlarge

New Crossings of Interstate 94

Extend new corridors across Interstate 94 to increase the connections between portions of Bismarck and Mandan divided by I-94. This includes potential crossings at 52nd Street (Bismarck), Hamilton Street (Bismarck), and 30th Street (Mandan).

New Crossings of Interstate 94
Click image to enlarge

New Interstate 94 Interchanges

Improve access to Interstate 94 through new interchanges at 56th Avenue (west Mandan) and 66th Street (east Bismarck).

New Interstate 94 Interchanges
Click image to enlarge

System Management Projects for Existing Corridors (Region-Wide)

Manage safety and operations on mature street corridors through low-impact improvements like turn lanes, safety upgrades, and intersection control improvements (traffic signal or roundabouts).

Click image to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

66th Street Improvements between Lincoln and NE Bismarck

Connect Lincoln and NE Bismarck through street improvements along 66th Street between Lincoln Road and 71st Street (including a new Interstate 94 crossing) and improving 71st Avenue N between 66th Street and State Street.

66th Street Improvements between Lincoln and NE Bismarck
Click image to enlarge

Complete Street Grid in Growth Areas

Create a continuous urban grid system in growth areas including north Bismarck corridors such as 26th Street, 57th Avenue east of 19th Street, and 57th Avenue west of Tyler Parkway. In north Mandan, this would include 24th Street and 37th Street west of Highway 1806 and extending Sunset Drive and 12th Avenue NW farther north.

Complete Street Grid in Growth Areas
Click image to enlarge

Transit Strategy

Identify additional funding sources to provide stable fixed route and dial-a-ride public transit service.

Period Year Projected Income Projected Costs Funding Cap
Base Year 2023 $5,552,345 $6,085,930 $533,585
Future Projections 2024 $5,324,342 $6,657,008 $1,332,666
2025 $5,918,946 $7,439,292 $1,520,346
2026 $5,403,210 $6,920,651 $1,517,441
2027 $6,192,728 $7,943,234 $1,750,506
2028 $4,752,589 $6,348,606 $1,596,017
2029 $5,875,502 $8,290,1286 $2,414,626

Potential Strategy Solutions

Raise local revenues

Increase local contributions to transit through property tax mill levy, or increased lump sum contributions.

Decrease operating expenses

Reduce expense related to contracting, or reduce service hours and/or routes.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Strategy (More Bike Paths, Trails, Side Paths)

Add more bicycle and pedestrian paths such as side paths along streets and new recreational trails to connect more parts of the metropolitan area.

Park sidewalk
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Traffic light
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Click image to enlarge

Bicycle and Pedestrian Strategy (More Pedestrian Crossings)

Focus investments on improved pedestrian street crossings, such as high visibility crossings, pedestrian signals, and curb extensions to reduce crossing distance and improve pedestrian visibility.

Click image to enlarge
Four way intersection and crosswalk
Click image to enlarge

Draft Plan Review: Draft Projects List

The draft project list includes those alternatives that were higher priority based on system needs and on funding available through the MPO. Many projects included in the strategies and alternatives lists are important and will be considered for implementation if additional funding becomes available. Those projects are called “illustrative projects” and can be viewed in the Draft Arrive 2050 Report.

clock icon Short-Term Projects

Short-term projects are projected to be in 2029 – 2033.

short term map
Click map to enlarge
ID Program Corridor Location From To Description 2024 Cost
97 Urban Roads 3rd Street SW 6th Avenue / ND1806 Memorial Highway Restripe / overlay to include turn lanes or restripe to 3-lane section with center turn lane and no parking. $500,000
R1 Urban Roads Burleigh Ave Boston Dr University Dr / ND 1804 Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,300,000
R12 Urban Roads 52nd St Main Ave Divide Ave Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,500,000
R24 Urban Roads Riverwood Ave Memorial Hwy 3rd St SE Reconstruction. $2,400,000
R3 Urban Roads 52nd St Apple Creek Rd Main Ave Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,200,000
R27a Urban Roads 66th Street SE Lincoln Road Northgate Drive Mill and Overlay. $2,000,000
R22 Urban Roads Calgary Ave 14th St East of St Lawrence St (end of ditch section) Reconstruction. $2,400,000
103 Urban Roads 43rd Ave N 52nd St Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $3,000,000
R17 Urban Roads Main Ave Memorial Hwy Washington St Concrete Pavement Repair. $2,000,000
R11 Urban Roads 52nd St Gold Dr 43rd Ave N Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $500,000
R20 Urban Roads Main Ave 12th St Airport Rd Concrete Pavement Repair. $1,100,000
R4 Urban Roads 57th Ave N Tyler Pkwy Washington St Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,200,000
R27b Urban Roads 66th Street SE Apple Creek Road E Main Avenue/County Road 10 Mill and Overlay. $2,000,000
R21 Urban Roads Main Ave Airport Rd 26th St Concrete Pavement Repair. $1,100,000
R23 Urban Roads Sunset Drive Division Street Grade Raise. $1,500,000
R9 Urban Roads US 83 East Frontage Rd (Ridgedale St) Elbowoods Ln 64th Ave N Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $900,000
R15 Urban Roads Washington St 48th Ave S Burleigh Ave Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,200,000
R6 Urban Roads Tyler Pkwy Cogburn Rd 57th Ave N Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,500,000
101 Urban Roads 3rd Street SW 6th Avenue SE Highway 6 Restripe / overlay to include turn lanes or restripe to 3-lane section with center turn lane and no parking. $500,000
R7 Urban Roads Tyler Pkwy / 15th St NW 57th Ave N ND 1804 Asphalt Mill and Overlay. $1,200,000
11 Highway Safety Lincoln Road Yegen Road / Airway Avenue Intersection capacity improvement. $3,000,000
105 Highway Safety Sunset Drive 27th Street NW Roundabout. $2,250,000
13 Transportation Alternatives 6th Avenue SE 3rd Street SE 1st Street NE Shared use path. $152,000
14 Transportation Alternatives 3rd Street SW & SE Highway 6 6th Avenue SE Buffered bike lanes. $65,000
24 Transportation Alternatives 3rd Street SE 6th Avenue SE Improved signaling; curb extensions, centerline hardening, or modern roundabout. $134,000
28 Transportation Alternatives ND 1806 Old Red Trail 38th Street Mill/overlay. $700,000
29 Transportation Alternatives 19th Street SE ND 1806 14th Avenue SE Mill/overlay. $300,000
30 Transportation Alternatives Old Red Trail 43rd Avenue NW Construct shared use path. $300,000
31 Transportation Alternatives Cottonwood Park Trail Burleigh Avenue Asphalt overlay. $90,000
32 Transportation Alternatives Burleigh Avenue Trail Washington Street Overlay with patching. $190,000

clock icon Mid-Term Projects

Mid-term projects are projected to be completed in 2034 – 2042.

mid-term map
Click map to enlarge
ID Program Corridor Location From To Description 2024 Cost
71a Urban Roads Sunset Drive Middle School 37th Street NW Construct as 3-lane urban section. $5,325,000
25a Urban Roads Main Avenue Bismarck Expressway 52nd Street Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section (including intersection improvement at 52nd Street). $15,400,000
17 Urban Roads 52nd Street NE 43rd Avenue NE E Century Avenue Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section / build new 3-lane section. $15,836,000
70a Urban Roads 8th Avenue NW 27th Street NW 37th Street NW Construct 3-lane urban section. $7,100,000
82 Highway Safety 3rd Avenue NE 5th Street NE Division Street NW Narrow pavement. $5,925,000
102 Highway Safety Main Avenue 26th Street Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $3,000,000
- Transportation Alternatives Additional Trail Maintenance Projects. Cost TBD
1a Transportation Alternatives S Washington Street W Wachter Avenue W Reno Avenue Shared use path. $172,000
1b Transportation Alternatives S Washington Street W Reno Avenue Bismarck Expressway Shared use path. $131,000
1c Transportation Alternatives S Washington Street Bismarck Expressway W Main Avenue Shared use path. $299,000
11 Transportation Alternatives E Bismarck Expressway S 26th Street E Rosser Avenue Shared use path. $726,000
12 Transportation Alternatives E Main Avenue S 26th Street E Bismarck Expressway Shared use path. $443,000
15 Transportation Alternatives Sunset Drive NW 8th Street NW Boundary Street NW Buffered or separated bike lanes. $40,000
16 Transportation Alternatives 6th Ave NW 1st Street NW 8th Street NW Buffered or separated bike lanes. $29,000
25 Transportation Alternatives Sunset Drive NW Old Red Trail NW ADA upgrades, widened ramps to accommodate trail crossing on south and east approaches, crosswalk striping, extend sidewalk and crossing on west and north approaches, improved signals, centerline hardening. $35,000
26 Transportation Alternatives 1st Street NW Collins Avenue White edge lines on crosswalks, option for mini roundabout . $10,000
36 Transportation Alternatives Southland -Marietta segment Marietta Dr (N) Marietta Dr (SE) Overlay. $50,000
37 Transportation Alternatives Bank of ND Trail Memorial Hwy Bell St Remove and replace trail. $230,000

clock icon Long-Term Projects

Long-term projects are projected to be completed in 2043 – 2050.

long term map
Click map to enlarge
ID Program Corridor Location From To Description 2024 Cost
72a Urban Roads 37th Street NW Sunset Drive ND 1806 Construct urban 3-lane for arterial connection. $9,585,000
7 Urban Roads 66th Street Apple Creek Old Highway 10/ E Main Avenue Widen from 2-lane to 3-section. $14,948,000
25b Urban Roads Main Avenue 52nd Street 66th Street Widen from 2-lane to 3-lane section. $15,400,000
104 Highway Safety Burleigh Avenue Boston Drive Intersection capacity improvement / Roundabout. $3,000,000
- Transportation Alternatives Additional Trail Maintenance Projects. Cost TBD
2 Transportation Alternatives N 4th Street W Main Avenue E Boulevard Avenue Shared lane markings or advisory bike lanes, possible traffic calming. $14,000
3a Transportation Alternatives N 4th Street E Boulevard Avenue Ridgecrest Drive Buffered bike lanes. $107,000
3b Transportation Alternatives Dominion Street Ridgecrest N 10th Street Buffered bike lanes. $9,000
4 Transportation Alternatives N 12th Street East Broadway Avenue Avenue C Shared lane markings or advisory bike lanes, possible traffic calming. $6,000
5b Transportation Alternatives S 12th Street University Drive Bismarck Expressway Buffered or separated bike lanes. $43,000
5c Transportation Alternatives S 12th Street E Bismarck Expressway E Broadway Avenue Buffered bike lanes. $45,000
6 Transportation Alternatives W & E Main Avenue N Washington Street N 26th Street Buffered or separated bike lanes. $112,000
7 Transportation Alternatives W & E Bowen Avenue S Washington Street S 5th Street Buffered or separated bike lanes. $26,000
8 Transportation Alternatives S 5th Street E Bowen Avenue E Main Street Shared lane markings, standard or buffered bike lane. $13,000
9 Transportation Alternatives N 6th Street E Main Avenue E Boulevard Avenue Shared lane markings or advisory bike lanes, possible traffic calming. $14,000
17 Transportation Alternatives 8th Avenue NW W Main Street 9th Street NW Shared lane markings or advisory bike lanes (The segment between 2nd Street NW and 4th Street NW may use 7th Avenue NW rather than the 8th Avenue NW unimproved right-of-way.) $12,000
20 Transportation Alternatives Tyler Parkway I-94 Ramp & W Divide Avenue & Schafer Street Enlarged pedestrian refuges, removal of channelized right turn lanes (or Smart Channel Design), tighter turning radii. $120,000
23 Transportation Alternatives State Street E Boulevard Avenue Improve crossing east of intersection with marked crosswalk, widened ramps, and ADA upgrades. $40,000
27 Transportation Alternatives E Main Street 3rd Avenue NE Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, pedestrian refuge, marked crosswalk. $720,000
38 Transportation Alternatives Clairmont Road Promontory Place Burnt Boat Drive Shared use path. $160,000

Next Steps

This is the final input opportunity for Arrive 2050. The Bismarck-Mandan Area MPO is finalizing the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Once the plan has been approved by the MPO’s partners, it will be posted on the project website.


project timeline
Click map to enlarge


Bismarck logo City of Mandan logo City of Lincoln logo Burleigh County logo Morton County logo NDDOT logo

Your Comments

Please provide your feedback on the Bismarck-Mandan Arrive 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

To provide feedback on specific locations within the area, head over to the comment map on the project website.
